In Bruges, starring Colin Farrell, Brendon Gleeson, and Ralph Fiennes. Shoot first. Sightsee Later.
  • Welcome to faveFOUR!

    Welcome to FaveFOUR, a film review blog...with a twist. Though the writers here all love film, they tend to leave the more technical reviewing to the professionals. FaveFOUR writers make film personal again by talking about why they love films in the context of their lives.

    This week's theme: favorite movie ever

    Warning: all blogs may contain SPOILERS for the movies they cover (identified by post tags)

In Bruges, starring Colin Farrell, Brendon Gleeson, and Ralph Fiennes. Shoot first. Sightsee Later.

David: The End

Ladies and gentlemen, the end is uckingfay nigh. As I lie here, viciously separated from my intestines, I take comfort in knowing that in the end, I am become death. Indeed, my final enemy author has succumbed to the stopping power of 12-gauge face-removal, and the doomsday satellite happens to be warming up as I … Continue reading

Chad: The Shawshank Redemption

How could anyone not like The Shawshank Redemption? The Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont, is the twenty-year story of a man named Andy Dufresne (played by Tim Robbins, in what is probably his best role ever) who was unjustly framed for the murder of his cheating wife and her lover based on circumstantial evidence. … Continue reading

Inception, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, and Michael Caine, directed by Christopher Nolan

Caryn: All-Time Favorite

Picking a favorite movie can be a tall order.  There are so many things to consider: the plot, the acting, the directing, the cinematography, and the scripting all work together to make a film, and rarely is there a film that is the best in every one of these areas.  After a lot of deliberation, … Continue reading

Grave of the Fireflies

Cynthia: All Time Favorite

This is the last review of our group’s blog, so we decided to go out with a bang. The pick this week is our “All Time” favorite movie since 2000. They just keep getting harder and harder to pick but I’ve have my ways. This time I’ve decided to focus on epic-type movies, so naturally … Continue reading

Chad: City of God

(ABOVE VIDEO CONTAINS SOME OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE) This movie makes me glad I don’t live an impoverished life on the streets of Rio de Janeiro. City of God is a slow paced, somewhat horrifying true story of how the slums of Rio de Janeiro evolve over the course of a couple of decades. This indie film … Continue reading

Poster for Hobo With a Shotgun, starring Rutger Hauer


Indie films provide a unique combination of traits. They contain the ability to deviate from the traditional conventions of film since they typically aren’t intended to function as cash cows, yet suffer from poor quality because all of the talented people prefer to make money. All in all, I do enjoy watching indie films sparingly, … Continue reading

Movie poster for 2008 film Wendy and Lucy

Caryn: The Worth of the Small Story

I don’t spend a lot of time watching independent films, so when I pick one up, I want to be sure that it’s going to be worth it.  Though I’ve ended up disappointed a few times, I’ve also found that indie writers and directors often address questions and topics that mainstream movies are afraid to, … Continue reading

Still from the movie "Midnight in Paris"

Cynthia: Favorite Indie

Indies tend to be unusual due to the budget constraints of small film production, but what drives Indie film towards strange is the sheer campiness of the subject matter, which makes Hollywood want to veer off the road like a flat tire.  Some campy ones I watched this weekend were “The Rum Diaries,” and “Midnight … Continue reading